10 Ways to Be Creative This Weekend

10 Ways to Be Creative This Weekend, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Creativity
Photo by Bruno Scramgnon on Pexels.com

Is anyone else feeling stuck lately? It could be winter blahs. It could be two years of mostly staying home and not being able to go anywhere fun or interesting. Or maybe it’s just something everyone goes through once in a while. Whatever the reason, if you’re feeling meh, you can bring back a bit of the spark by injecting some creativity into your day. Give these a try…


Put on some music and, as the saying goes, dance like no one’s watching. It’ll get you energized and maybe even spark some inspiration.

10 Ways to Be Creative This Weekend, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Creativity, Umbrella Academy, Tiffany, I think we're alone now, dance gif, dancing gif


Skip the recipes and see what you can put together with what you already have on hand. If cooking’s not your thing, order in and get something you’ve never tried.


Break out a creative or problem-solving game– basically anything that involves active participation instead of just following instructions. RPGs (like D&D) are perfect for this, although you generally need at least three people and a few hours to get the best experience.


Blank paper + the writing tool of your choice. Don’t overthink it– just scribble away.

10 Ways to Be Creative This Weekend, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Creativity, Buffy, Willow, A doodle. I do doodle. You too. You do doodle too.


Go for a walk or just wander around the house until you find something that catches your eye. Try to get as many different photos of one object as you can.


Let your mind wander and see where it goes.


Rearrange the furniture in a room, or plan out your dream house. See the potential in your space.

10 Ways to Be Creative This Weekend, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Creativity, moodboard, palettes, decorating
Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com


If there’s something around the house you’ve been thinking of getting rid of, see if you can figure out how to improve it or find a new way to use it.


Pick (or have someone pick for you) two random things (e.g., a bear and a pair of socks). List everything you can think of that the two have in common (like, a bear and socks are both fuzzy).

Sing, with a Twist

Pick a song and make up new lyrics for it. You can write them down if you want, but it’s more fun to make them up as you go. The lyrics don’t have to be deep– sing about what you’re making for dinner or about your pets or how you’re feeling at that moment.

At its heart creativity is all about seeing things in a new way. Have fun and don’t overthink or self-edit. It probably won’t solve your problems, but being creative can set you free.

What do you do to stop feeling stuck? Share in the comments…

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Aspasía S. Bissas

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