Happy Equinox!

Happy Equinox! Blog post by Aspasía S. Bissas, autumn, leaves, leaf dress, fairy, fae, goddess, nymph, seasonal, seasons, pagan, paganism, polytheism, polytheist, good wishes
Photo by Alise AliNari on Pexels.com

It’s the first day of Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere, my favourite season (and not just because you can apparently make a dress from the pretty leaves). My part of the world does Autumn perfectly, with colourful leaves that crunch underfoot, and crisp air tinged with wood smoke, and gourds– so many gourds. There’s an eldritch feel all around that has nothing to do with spooky decorations. And for me, every change of season is an opportunity for a fresh start, so here’s hoping that this season brings the positive changes to the world that we all so desperately need…

What’s your favourite part of the season?

Happy Equinox…

Aspasía S. Bissas

10 Replies to “Happy Equinox!”

  1. That exact Eldritch feeling you describe! Yes, that’s it!

    Devi and I tied the knot on the day after the Equinox this year, so it will hold a special place in our hearts.

    Happy Autumn!

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