Weekends Are for Reading

Weekends Are for Reading, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Books, new book, Victoria Day, Queen Victoria, Canada

It’s a long weekend here in Canada, so Happy Victoria Day/National Patriots’ Day (in Quebec) to all who celebrate! And happy regular weekend to everyone else 🙂

Weekends are the perfect time for reading, and I have a new book out! Download it now (the link will take you to all available stores)…

Weekends Are for Reading, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Books, new book, Victoria Day, Queen Victoria, Canada. Bleeding Heart, dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, vampires

NEW Bleeding Heart

While you’re at it, you can download my other books too:

Love Lies Bleeding

Blood Magic

Tooth & Claw


Aspasía S. Bissas

Give from Your Heart (Vampire Approved)

Give from the Heart (Vampire Approved!) blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com, give blood, donate blood, donate platelets, pet blood, blood donation, save a life, save lives.
Photo by Allec Gomes on Pexels.com

Considering how much of it exists in the world, it’s surprising (or maybe not) that blood banks are perpetually short of their key product. Blood and blood components are needed to help people with various medical conditions (including those with blood cancers), for surgery, and for emergency situations, like during childbirth or after a car accident. When there isn’t enough blood to go around, the consequences are devastating. So today’s post is to ask you to please consider donating blood, if you can– it takes only about 30 minutes. You’ll be rewarded with the warm sense of having done some good in the world (and a treat).

While you’re at it, ask about donating platelets–there’s a major need for platelet donors, as not everyone qualifies. If you can give, please consider doing so.

Your local vampires would approve 🧛

For more information on donating blood/Platelets:

Canadian Blood Services: https://www.blood.ca/en

Société canadienne du sang: https://www.blood.ca/fr

American Red Cross: https://www.redcrossblood.org/

NHS Blood Services: https://www.blood.co.uk/

If your local agency isn’t listed, try doing an online search for blood services in your country/region.

(By the way, veterinary clinics need blood too. Find out more here, or search for pet blood donations in your local area: https://www.canadiananimalbloodbank.ca/#!cabb )

Wishing you a bloody good weekend…

Aspasía S. Bissas

PS: Reading is a great way to pass the time while you’re donating blood. Stay on theme and download my books!

Aspasia S. Bissas books: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, book, books, free book, free books, freebies, freebie, free ebook, free ebooks, vampire, vampires, dark fantasy, dark romance, historical fiction, gothic fiction, gothic fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, horror, dark reads, indie author, indie fiction, strong female protagonist, aspasiasbissas.com

Bloganuary Day 29: What Are Your Favourite Sports to Watch and Play?

Bloganuary Day 29: What are your favourite sports to watch and play? Blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Red chucks, Chuck Taylors, Converse
Photo by Mstudio on Pexels.com

I’m not really an organized sports kind of person. I used to figure skate (with the cute little outfits and everything) and I wasn’t bad at basketball, although I never wanted to join a team. I like things like riding my bike or dancing around the house. But the best sport of all time, and the one I could play endlessly is mini golf. Anyone who says they don’t like it probably also hates puppies and milkshakes.

As for watching sports, I really don’t. I used to sometimes watch hockey with my dad when I was a kid (I even went to a game once: Canadiens vs. Bruins), but I’ve never watched it on my own (I’m a bad Canadian).

Are you into sports? Share in the comments…

Don’t forget to download my books!

Book covers: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, Bleeding Heart. Books by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, urban fantasy, vampires, shifters

If you prefer paperback, use this link to order Love Lies Bleeding from Bookshop (Bleeding Heart will be available soon). A portion of each sale goes directly to independent bookstores, as well as to myself. Thank you for supporting indie! ♥


Aspasía S. Bissas

Bloganuary Day 24: Name an Attraction or Town Close to Home that You Still Haven’t Got Around to Visiting

Bloganuary Day 24: Name an Attraction or Town Close to Home that You Still Haven't Got Around to Visiting. Blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Toronto, Ripley's Aquarium, sharks.
Photo by Valdemaras D. on Pexels.com

Although it’s been open since 2013, I still haven’t made it to the Ripley’s Aquarium in Toronto. They have jellies, sharks, sea dragons, octopuses, just about any fish you could imagine, exhibits featuring specific habitats, dive shows, aquarist talks, paint nights, jazz nights– it goes on. The whole thing sounds thoroughly enjoyable, but I just noticed there’s a Valentine’s Day dinner event that sounds fantastic. Best of all, they don’t keep cetaceans (dolphins, whales) in the aquarium, which is an excellent, humane, policy.

Is there a local attraction you haven’t visited, but want to? Share in the comments…

Don’t forget to download my books!

Book covers: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, Bleeding Heart. Books by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, urban fantasy, vampires, shifters

If you prefer paperback, use this link to order Love Lies Bleeding from Bookshop (Bleeding Heart will be available soon). A portion of each sale goes directly to independent bookstores, as well as to myself. Thank you for supporting indie! ♥


Aspasía S. Bissas

Give from Your Heart (Vampire Approved)

Give from Your Heart (Vampire Approved), blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com.  Give blood, donate blood, blood banks, giving, charity, pet blood donation, acts of kindness
Photo by Allec Gomes on Pexels.com

Considering how much of it exists in the world, it’s surprising (or maybe not) that blood banks are perpetually short of their key product. Blood and blood components are needed to help people with various medical conditions (including those with blood cancers), for surgery, and for emergency situations, like during childbirth or after a car accident. When there isn’t enough blood to go around, the consequences are devastating. So today’s post is to ask you to please consider donating blood, if you can– it takes only about 30 minutes. You’ll be rewarded with the warm sense of having done some good in the world (and a treat).

Your local vampires would approve 🧛

For more information on donating blood:

Canadian Blood Services: https://www.blood.ca/en

Société canadienne du sang: https://www.blood.ca/fr

American Red Cross: https://www.redcrossblood.org/

NHS Blood Services: https://www.blood.co.uk/

If your local agency isn’t listed, try doing an online search for blood services in your country/region.

(By the way, veterinary clinics need blood too. Find out more here, or search for pet blood donations in your local area: https://www.canadiananimalbloodbank.ca/#!cabb )

Wishing you a bloody good weekend…

Aspasía S. Bissas

PS: Reading is a great way to pass the time while you’re donating blood. Stay on theme and download my books!

Aspasia S. Bissas books: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, book, books, free book, free books, freebies, freebie, free ebook, free ebooks, vampire, vampires, dark fantasy, dark romance, historical fiction, gothic fiction, gothic fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, horror, dark reads, indie author, indie fiction, strong female protagonist, aspasiasbissas.com