Quote of the Day: World Goth Day Edition

Quote of the Day: World Goth Day Editions, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Quote: "It was night, and the rain fell;; and falling, it was rain, but, having fallen, it was blood." Edgar Allan Poe

Quote from the Godfather of Goth 🦇

Learn more about Poe: The Gothic Life of Edgar Allan Poe

Listen to Christopher Lee read The Raven:

How are you celebrating World Goth Day? Share in the comments…

It’s not World Goth Day without vampires: download my books (the links will take you to all available stores)!

Book covers: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, Bleeding Heart. Books by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, urban fantasy, vampires, shifters

Love Lies Bleeding

NEW Bleeding Heart

Blood Magic

Tooth & Claw

Wishing you misty days and endless nights,

Aspasía S. Bissas

6 Replies to “Quote of the Day: World Goth Day Edition”

  1. Welly, well, well! When I was younger I was such a Goth-Punk wannabe. I’m afraid it was a fad for me, but I can still appreciate the aesthetic and I do admire the work that a lot of Goths put into their look and make up.

    I may be a child of the sun, but I can still see the beauty of the moon and in the shadows. 😎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “I may be a child of the sun, but I can still see the beauty of the moon and in the shadows.”

      Love it! The clothes/looks are nice, but real Goth and Punk are in the attitudes–I’d say you still qualify 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I did not know that, but we did spend World Goth Day in the Surgeon’s Museum in Edinburgh looking at skeletons, body parts and even drank in Frankenstein’s bar! Although my wife and I aren’t Goths we kept in theme. 💀🧟‍♂️🖤

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