Weekends Are for Reading

Weekends Are for Reading, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Books, new book, Victoria Day, Queen Victoria, Canada

It’s a long weekend here in Canada, so Happy Victoria Day/National Patriots’ Day (in Quebec) to all who celebrate! And happy regular weekend to everyone else 🙂

Weekends are the perfect time for reading, and I have a new book out! Download it now (the link will take you to all available stores)…

Weekends Are for Reading, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Books, new book, Victoria Day, Queen Victoria, Canada. Bleeding Heart, dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, vampires

NEW Bleeding Heart

While you’re at it, you can download my other books too:

Love Lies Bleeding

Blood Magic

Tooth & Claw


Aspasía S. Bissas

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