Happy July Long Weekend

Happy July Long Weekend, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Canada Day, Fourth of July, long weekend, reading
Photo by Alesia Kozik on Pexels.com

Happy Canada Day weekend to my fellow Canadians (and happy 4th of July in a few days to all my American readers)! Is anyone else celebrating anything this weekend/week? Share in the comments…

Long weekends are made for relaxing, and what better way to unwind than with a good book (or four)? Download mine now:

Book covers: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, Bleeding Heart. Books by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, urban fantasy, vampires, shifters

Love Lies Bleeding

NEW Bleeding Heart

Blood Magic

Tooth & Claw

(Links take you to all available stores. Love Lies Bleeding and Bleeding Heart are also available in paperback.)


Aspasía S. Bissas

Music for Vampires: Temptation by The Tea Party

Music for Vampires: Temptation by The Tea Party, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. The Tea Party band, Temptation, vampires. vampire.
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

The Tea Party is one of those bands I used to listen to all the time and then kind of forgot about, which is a shame because they’re really good (at least they were back in the 90s/early 2000s, and probably still are). If you want to give them a listen, I suggest you start with their albums The Edges of Twilight and Transmission. And if you’re wondering, their name predates the ridiculous political movement, and they have no affiliation with it (also, they’re Canadian).

One of my favourite songs of theirs is “Temptation.” While it’s not meant to be about vampires, the lyrics are easily interpreted that way. I used to add it to every vampire-related playlist I’d put together (or as we called them back in the dark ages of my youth– mix tapes). What do you think?

I never noticed how much the lead singer is channelling Jim Morrison (The Doors) in this video. Anyone else see it? Share your thoughts in the comments…

By the way, nothing goes with vampire-themed music like vampire-themed books: download mine now!

Book covers: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, Bleeding Heart. Books by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, urban fantasy, vampires, shifters

Love Lies Bleeding

NEW Bleeding Heart

Blood Magic

Tooth & Claw

(Links take you to all available stores. Love Lies Bleeding and Bleeding Heart are also available in paperback.)


Aspasía S. Bissas

5 Vampires in History

5 Vampires in History, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com, vampires, real vampires, dark vampire stories
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

I came across this video and thought it was worth sharing. You might already be familiar with some of these stories, but all five are fascinating to contemplate. Give it a watch and tell me what you think…

Warning: These stories contain some disturbing details and imagery, including of blood, death, and torture.

Can’t get enough vampires? I’ve got you covered: download my books now!

Book covers: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, Bleeding Heart. Books by Aspasia S. Bissas, aspasiasbissas.com. Dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, urban fantasy, vampires, shifters

Love Lies Bleeding

NEW Bleeding Heart

Blood Magic

Tooth & Claw

(Links take you to all available stores. Love Lies Bleeding and Bleeding Heart are also available in paperback.)


Aspasía S. Bissas