Supernatural x Vampires: Two Reviews

Supernatural x Vampires: Two Reviews, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas,, The View from the Junkyard, Dead Man's Blood

If you haven’t been keeping up with my Supernatural reviews over at The View from the Junkyard, you might be interested to know that vampires have entered the field. I’ve just started on Season 2, and so far we’ve had two vampire-focused episodes:

Dead Man’s Blood

It’s the episode I’ve been waiting for: my friends, we have vampires.

We begin in Manning, Colorado, where a man is sitting in a bar, looking through a book that looks very much like John’s journal, and taking notes. He’s barely paying attention to anything around him—until a group of people walk in. Instantly he’s on alert, and then a moment later he’s gone. Read More…

Supernatural x Vampires: Two Reviews, blog post by Aspasia S. Bissas,, The View from the Junkyard, Bloodlust

and “Bloodlust

I wasn’t expecting to see vampires again so soon after the last time, but I can’t say I was disappointed.

In Red Lodge, Montana, a young woman is running from something in the woods (with all the typical looking back and tripping that make these scenes so annoying). She hides behind a tree until it seems as though she might be safe. But when she emerges from her hiding spot, a man is waiting for her with a sickle in hand. A moment later, her body and her head go their separate ways. Read More...

[I’m feeling a little blood lust myself this morning, after being woken up before 7 AM by all the Toronto Marathon hoopla,.]

Have you seen either of these episodes? What did you think? Share in the comments… And don’t forget to leave a like and a comment over at the Junkyard too.

Can’t get enough vampires? I’ve got you covered: get my books now (links take you to all available stores):

Book covers: Love Lies Bleeding, Blood Magic, Tooth & Claw, Bleeding Heart. Books by Aspasia S. Bissas, Dark fantasy, gothic, paranormal, urban fantasy, vampires, shifters

Love Lies Bleeding

NEW Bleeding Heart

Blood Magic

Tooth & Claw


Aspasía S. Bissas